Version 5.1.86

General Release Information

The release 5.1.86 has been released on 21-9-2020 and contains two minor bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.

Bug Fixes

BR-951 Change in readout behavior description

In this version, we have fixed an issue with the way the Bank Reconciliation readouts the description form the imported file so that is does populated the description again in capital letters.

BR-952 Duplication of a transaction and bank statements

When importing and processing data automatically it could happen that a bank statement or certain transaction is duplicated. This release resolves the issue with a change in the processing logic.

BR-953 Multi payment in foreign currency with incorrect amounts

During the processing of one payment related to multiple foreign currency transactions, it could happen that the Bank Reconciliation applied incorrect amounts to the select invoices resulting in the situation that not all invoices were set to paid.