Release 5.9.3

General Release Information

Release 5.9.3 has been released on the 12th of July 2023 and contains five bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.

Bug Fixes

BR-1527 Enhance the filtered data displayed in the statement popup

ZoneReconcile applies filters to NetSuite transactions in two separate statement line popups. The first popup, called the NAME popup, enables end users to filter transactions associated with a specific entity. The second popup, known as the GENERAL popup, allows data filtering based on parameters such as date range, amount, and transaction type.

In earlier versions, the general popup would only display Open transactions by default after applying filters. However, in this release, the sublists' presentation has been improved. As a result, the system now allows the display of both types: open and closed existing transactions.


BR-1663 Default Tax Code selected > SSS_USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED

In previous versions, if a Default Tax Code was selected in a Bank Account Configuration, importing a statement with over 60 lines would result in an error called SSS_USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. However, this problem has been completely resolved in the current version, effectively eliminating the occurrence of this error.

BR-1674 Mandatory custom segment blocked creating payments

Previously, the presence of a mandatory custom segment on bank statement lines prevented the creation of payments, even when correct values were selected. In this version release, this error is fully removed and the system allows creating Payments holding a custom segment value as expected.

BR-1678 In-transit Payments not Linked to Bank Statement in non-English NetSuite interface

Users using their NetSuite instances in languages different than English were facing issues with Bill Payments created by the Payments module. When a user needed to match an already confirmed Bill Payment in a Bank Statement, it resulted in an error in the background and even though line looks like it is processed, Bill Payment itself is not linked to the statement. This especially affected foreign currency payments where FX rate is not updated, resulting in differences. This version release removes these inconsistencies fully and allows end users linking Payments to a statement line, calculating differences automatically.

BR-1680 Custom matching rules are case sensitive

The last released version limited the setup of custom matching rules to capital wordings only. In this version we restored this logic and now custom matching rules can be applied on statement lines regardless of the fact whether they are setup in capitalized wording or not. This enhancement provides greater flexibility and accommodates various formatting preferences for custom matching rules.