Version 5.1.88

General Release Information

The release 5.1.88 has been released on 11-11-2020 and contains one minor bug fix. Below you can find more information related to the bug fix. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.

Bug Fixes

BR-972 Autoprocessing is reprocessing records

When autoprocessing is used it could happen that the system did keep looping over old already processed statements. This version resolves this behavior for newly imported statements. For a full fix, a manual import is needed to reset the older statements. To reset the older statements a saved search must be created that searches on the record “Bank Statement” with the criteria “Processed” is false. This data should be exported to a CSV file and can then be imported with a CSV import from NetSuite. In this import include the internal id from the record and set a default value for “Processed” to true. After this import the BS SC Import script should only run over new imports that are automatically imported.