Version 5.1.84

General Release Information

The release 5.1.84 has been released on 19-08-2020 and contains several enhancements and one minor bug fix. Below you can find more information related to the new features and bug fixes. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.


BR-925 Extended readout data for the QIF file format

The readout logic for the QIF file format has been changed and will pull more information if this is present. This additional information will enhance the user experience and the match rate. From this version, we will include potential data present in the 'M' tag.

BR-790 Change in the naming convention bank formats

On the bank account configuration, the user has the option to select a predefined file format. We have changed the naming convention for the available file formats to provide a better overview to the user

BR-936 Extended field-level help

We have extended the field-level help on the bank account configuration page and all fields are now holding a clear description of their function.

Bug Fixes

BR-935 No matching during import

In certain situations, it could happen that the Bank Reconciliation didn’t automatically match bank statement lines with Netsuite transactions. This release will fix this and during the import of a new statement, the lines should be matching as usual.