Release 5.9.2

General Release Information

Release 5.9.2 has been released on the 13th of May 2023 and contains two bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.

Bug Fixes

BR-1662 Incorrect statement duplication warning

ZoneReconcile by default warns the user when there are potentially duplicated bank statements. This is shown at the top of the bank statement. In certain scenarios, it happened that the overview was not complete and didn’t show all potential duplicates. In this release, the duplication detection has been enhanced and extended so it is able to show all potential duplicates.

BR-1668 Custom matching rules apply to D/C not executed

The custom matching rules allow to define if the rule should be executed on debit or credit lines or both. When D/C was selected the custom matching rule wasn’t applied to the applicable bank statement transaction line. This release improves the custom matching rules logic so that the rule is actually applied then D/C has been selected under apply to.