Release 5.8.1

General Release Information

Release 5.8.1 has been released on the 23rd of January 2023 and contains several enhancements and few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.


BR-1482 Open/Closed Accounting Period logic improvement of DDRs

The Bank Reconciliation SuiteApp provides the option to Reverse unsuccessful Customer Payments. This process is unlinking the Customer Payment from the Customer invoice, reverting its status back to Open. The custom transaction named Direct Debit Reversal is linked to the Customer Payment by reversing the original payment posting. This behavior was only applicable to Open Accounting Periods (Customer Invoice and Payment were both part of an Open accounting period). This version fix introduces an extension of supporting Closed Accounting periods as well. A Customer Payment, linked to an Invoice as part of a Closed Accounting period, a Direct Debit reversal can now be created in the new period, following the logic of the Accounting Preferences.


In this version, users can select the preferred option of importing either Booking Date or Value date when PAIN002 files are subject to be uploaded.

Bug Fixes

BR-1437 Support of Additional Fields for Open Transactions

By default, the Bank Reconciliation app is using the Description of the statement as a value to be copied to the generated transaction. Description values are present on line and header level. Users usually load additional data to the statement or use additional fields as additional columns of the statements. When considering coping additional values to the generated transactions, this option was limited to the combination of Invoice / Customer Payment. This version extends this option to other Open transaction types. This fix is enhancing the overall user experience when Additional Fields are used.

BR-1507 Invoices are unapplied from Customer Payments when matched as Closed Transactions

Bank Reconciliation supports the reconciliation of Payments, as closed transactions. In previous versions, linking a Customer Payment to a bank statement caused unexpected behavior of unapplying certain Invoices from such payments, marking the Invoices Open. This issue is fully resolved in this version release.

BR-1575 CAMT053 > provide an option to select between TxAmt and CntrValAmt

In previous release versions, we were first reading the Counter Value Amount <CntrValAmt> (if present) and if not, Transaction Amount <TxAmt>of a CAMT.053 statement. By introducing an additional configuration option on the Bank Account configuration, users can now switch between the amounts and import the preferred amount release of the CAMT.053 tags.