Release 5.9.0

General Release Information

Release 5.9.0 has been released on the 28nd of February 2023 and contains several enhancements and few bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your Production account automatically and the Sandbox account can be updated from your (the customer's) end at any given time.


BR-1383 CODA Multi-account import support

In previous versions, Multi-account import could only handle one Bank account when importing CODA type of statement formats. This version introduces full Multi-account import support. The solution is now able to automatically split account data and create by default Statements to process for each found account. A prerequisite to use the extension, is a setup of a (parent) multi statement configuration record and accordingly, individual (child) bank account configurations mapped with the dedicated Bank account and GL number.

BR-1591 Extended Direct Debit logic of tracking reversals

The Zone Reconciliation SuiteApp provides the option to Reverse unsuccessful Direct Debit Customer Payments. Each reversal transaction, holds a unique code that represents the rejection reason. In previous versions, we could extract these values and store them under a dedicated field on the Customer Invoice. This limited logic has now been extended to providing users the possibility to track number of reversals processed for a single Customer Invoice. The allowed number of attempts can now be configured under the Bank Account configuration. When this set threshold is reached, an additional checkbox will be marked on the Customer Invoice, named “Do not reprocess“.

This new option provides end users with instant information of problematic backlogs of unpaid Customer Invoices.

BR-1603 Introduce Bank Statement sequence number

The header of a Bank Statement holds data extracted from statement files, and is displayed in the form of presenting end users summarized information of the transactions being uploaded. In this version, the header is enriched with one additional field, holding the Bank Statement sequence number. If a statement file holds sequence number, the solution will display it to the header, into a new field named “Statement sequence number“. The statement sequence number is providing one additional user validation of all statements being imported without exception.

By default, the field is hidden as this enhancement at this moment is limited to CODA statement formats only. CODA users can enable the visibility under Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > Bank Statement > In the list of available fields, Statement Sequence Number is present > Only update the DISPLAY TYPE from “Hidden“ to “Inline Text“ as displayed below.

Statement Sequence Number

Bug Fixes


This version release introduces an enhanced approach of processing high volumes of Direct Debit Reversals. In previous versions, the Reversals creation was handled Ad-hoc, while this process is now enhanced to support high volumes in a scheduled manner.

BR-1529 Auto processing of statements - Start Balance is incorrect

The Zone Reconciliation SuiteApp allows importing of statements manually and automatically. Statements are processed automatically if files are stored in the NetSuite File Cabinet. Users who handle high volumes of statement transactions, were experiencing incorrect Start balances of newly auto processed statements. This mismatch of balances was dependent on the way statements are ordered when auto-processed. The default logic of ordering is using the ID of the generated statements. This version release provides the possibility to switch this behavior, and re-order statements by the date created instead. To follow this logic, only the checkbox “ORDER STATEMENTS ACCORDING TO DATE“ has to be enabled under the BS SC Import script.

BS SC Import script

BR-1547 Run Match: Tax Amount is not populated when Matching Rule has a Tax Code

In previous version releases the logic of applying Custom Matching rules with Tax code setup was only limited to “On statement import“. If a statement was saved and Run Match was triggered, the system would apply the rule ignoring the Tax Code setup. This release resolves this issue and when Run Match is used, the rules will be applied as expected.

BR-1584 Duplicate lines are created on CAMT.054 batch details import

In a previous release, the D-level (detailed level) of CAMT.054 file formats was introduced. This support is allowing users to configure import preferences. When the import preference was enabled to import batch details, the system was duplicating lines that represent a start of a new batch. This issue is fully removed in this release version.

BR-1592 Import of CAMT.053 statement format resulting in SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER error

In the previous release version, the import of a CAMT.053 statement resulted in an error. The error was dependent on the statement’s content where a special character was used, representing an empty value. This version introduces a new logic that will import the characters as expected.