Version 5.1.85

General Release Information

The release 5.1.85 has been released on 31-08-2020 and contains several bug fixes. Below you can find more information related to the bug fixes. We will update your live account automatically and the sandbox account can be updated from the customer's end at any given time.

Bug Fixes

BR-940 Incorrect processing of customer credit

In certain circumstances, the Bank Reconciliation Suite App did deduct the customer credit from the actual payment resulting in a lower payment and an outstanding amount. In this release, the issue is resolved. If there are potentially impacted records then resolve them by opening the statement in view modus and press edit on the impacted line. Press on the button “Delete Payment Transactions” and wait until you automatically return to the statement. Now simply reprocess the same line to get a correct posting.

BR-922 Concatenation of the additional field data with CAMT.054 imports

When importing a CAMT.054 file while also using additional fields the system concatenated the information from all lines into one value resulting in a value that was equal on all the lines. This version resolves this issue so that all lines are holding the unique line-level data from the additional field.