This page explains how to set up the advanced intercompany journal posting
General setup
For creating an advanced intercompany journal the journal posting needs a clearing account and these should be set up for each from and to subsidiary combination. The from subsidiary is always the subsidiary listed on the bank statement and the to subsidiary is the selected subsidiary to where you would like to post the funds. The system will only show to the end-user configurations that are applicable to the subsidiary in which they are performing the reconciliation.
Creating a from/to subsidiary setup
To create a from/to subsidiary setup navigate to SETUP->BANK RECONCILIATION->INTERCOMPANY CLEARING ACCOUNT->NEW. On the page that opens there are 4 settings:
From subsidiary (select here form which subsidiary the posting is initiated, this is the subsidiary listed on the bank statement)
To subsidiary (select here the subsidiary to where the posting could go)
Clearing account (select here the clearing account that should be used to clear the intercompany posting)
Inactive (when checked the rule is not taken into consideration)
Activate intercompany journal posting
The ability to create advanced intercompany journals is by default disabled and must be set for each bank account configuration separately. To activate this option navigate to SETUP->BANK RECONCILIATION->BANK ACCOUNT CONFIGURATION. Select a bank account configuration and press edit. Scroll to the bottom section and under preferences check the checkbox labeled “Enable Intercompany Journal Posting”. When enabled a new column will become visible that allows the user to select a subsidiary to.
When enabled a new column will become visible that allows the user to select a subsidiary to
Using the intercompany posting
The intercompany posting can be used directly on the bank statement line or in the multi-line journal posting feature. In both cases, the user must first select the account to which they would like to post and then select the subsidiary in to “IC To Subsidiary” field to where the posting must be allocated. When both fields are populated the system will create automatically an advanced intercompany posting. When only an account is select the system will create a regular journal posting.
The field “IC To Subsidiary” will only show the created configurations that are related to the subsidiary from the bank statement. If a specific subsidiary is not present it means that a configuration should be created first.
Posting directly from a transaction line:
Posting through the multi-line journal feature