Automatic matching
Automatic matching is done in the following way.
First the description is taken from the bank statement. In the description all strings of more then 4 characters are taken, that contain at least a number.
All open invoices, bills, expense reports, credit memos and vendor credits are evaluated for a match the description.
Once a match is found, the tool will validate the match based on the open payment amount:
- If the open amount is more then the amount on the bank statement, the tool will see this as a partial payment and will match the transaction, but does not mark the statement line for processing (does not check the Select checkbox)
- If the open amount is less then the amount on the bank statement, the tool will match the invoice for the open amount, but not check the Select checkbox. The user has to resolve the remaining amount on the bank statement before processing
- If the open amount equals the amount on the bank statement, the tool will mark the statement line for processing