The following instructions are useful in dealing with reconciling bank transfers between different Bank accounts.
1. Setting up a GL account for Funds in Transit or Transit Account (if required)
- If not set up already, set up a transit GL account
- Go to Lists > Accounting > Accounts
- Click on New
- Give the GL an appropriate name and number
- The type will be Other Current Asset
- If you operate in the same currency, you only need to create 1 account and this is linked to the base currency of the subsidiary
2. Reconciling the payments
- When selecting the transactions from the bank reconciliation, select the GL as created above from both bank accounts involved in the transaction
- Both transactions to the GL should be equal and opposite and the balance of the GL at 0 once both transactions are reconciled
3. Transfer of funds with different currencies.
- Complete steps 1 and 2 above.
- Its likely the exchange rate selected by NetSuite is the transaction the bank statement is reconciled and is not the same as the rate used on the transaction
3. Inter-company transfers
- Open the popatically filled in.