Alternate Matching is used to match a bank statement line to something else then an open invoice, bill or expense report. This article explains how to enable the feature and how to use it for matching against payment file administration records.
To enable Alternate Matching:
- Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences > Custom Preferences > Fast Four Bank Reconciliation and check the checkbox "Use other matching types"
- Go to Customization > List, Records, Fields > Record Types.
- In the list, select Payment File Administration.
- Add a new field to this custom record. Name: Bank Statement. ID: _bs_ep_bankstatement. Type: List/Record. List/Record: Bank Statement.
- Save the new field.
To use Alternate Matching, scroll to the right on the bank statement line. In the field Alt Match Type, choose Electronic Payments. A popup opens with all EFT payment batches that were not yet matched to a bank statement. Select the applicable batch and click submit.
On submit of the bank statement, the following will happen:
- The Payment File Administration record is attached to the bank statement
- All bill payment transactions in the batch are attached to the bank statement