Note |
Although this manual offers the possibility to add attachments to the bank statement lines, we do not recommend to enter multiple attachments at the same time or for large statements containing more than 100 lines. |
Step-by-step guide
Step 1: Create a new field on the Bank Statement for attachments
Step 2: Create a new NetSuite field to store the attachment
Step 3: Set the additional field logic on the Bank Configuration
Step 1: Create new field - Bank Statement Transaction field - where the attachment will be entered
Using Administration or other Full Access role,
After saving the field and the record, proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Create new field - Netsuite field - where the attachment will be stored
Next step is to create a transaction body field, where the attachment (or actually the link to it) will be stored. Here we follow standard steps how to create the custom field and we decide to which transactions we want this to be applied (Journal, Custom Payment, Vendor Payment …).
Create a field with following setup - you may choose again the label, and the transaction type on which you will be storing the attachments from the bank statement. Good practice is to also use certain naming convention both for the label & ID.
Step 3: Set the additional field logic
Now we have to open the bank account configuration and add the logic for this additional field.