Please provide the following information & answers to the questions:
Statement ID (or URL) and NO Number of the bank statement line (if applicable). If the issue is while importing the statement, please provide the file. Is the issue only with this file or with all the files?
Very good practice is to mention with the steps to reproduce the issue the Expectation and Actual result.
Have you made any changes recently to the settings (Bank Account Configuration, Custom preferences etc.)?
Do we have an access to your account? Please verify that our access is still valid and active.
If access cannot be provided, make sure you send us screenshots of:the related Bank Account Configuration
the Bank statement (and Bank statement line) itself, together with the System Notes of the Bank Statement line (click Edit on the bank statement line > System Notes tab)
Similarly if you have an issue with e.g. custom matching rule, send a screenshot of the rule settings etc.