Alternate Matching is used to match a bank statement line to something else then an open invoice, bill or expense report. Currently it is only used to match a statement line against an electronic payments EFT batch. This is only useful for dutch bank accounts.
To enable Alternate Matching:
- Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences > Custom Preferences > ERP fast forward Bank Reconciliation and check the checkbox
- Go to Customization > List, Records, Fields > Record Types.
- In the list, select Payment File Administration.
- Add a new field to this custom record. Name: Bank Statement. ID: _bs_ep_bankstatement. Type: List/Record. List/Record: Bank Statement.
- Save the new field.
To use Alternate Matching, scroll to the right on the bank statement line. In the field Alt Match Type, choose Electronic Payments. A popup opens with all EFT payment batches that were not yet matched to a bank statement. Select the applicable batch and click submit.
On submit of the bank statement, the following will happen:
- The Payment File Administration record is attached to the bank statement
- All bill payment transactions in the batch are attached to the bank statement